Next-Stage Acceleration

How It Works

We provide a market validation-driven accelerator program that provides entrepreneurs access to the right markets, people, and resources to accelerate the growth of their company.

We don’t believe in the typical “one-size-fits-all” model. We work with ventures of all different stages, and our focus is on helping the venture get market traction, working closely with our mentors and corporate partners to develop market fit.

Focus Areas

Domains address industrial wearables technologies to improve the productivity and safety of first responders including, but not limited to:

    • Resilient body-worn electronic systems (e.g. head-up display, computational system capabilities, body worn communications system, body worn sensors, and wearable power systems)
    • Multi-disciplinary and multi-threat next-generation personal protective clothing and equipment (e.g. thermal, ballistic, stabbing and penetration, chemical and biological protection)
    • Integrated voice and data communication systems (e.g. ad hoc self-forming/healing networks, wireless, hands-free, ergonomically optimized systems, noise-filtering digital speaker/microphone)
    • Advanced sensors and manipulative information technology (e.g. incident scanning capabilities for life, hazards, and situational awareness, physiological sensors, sensor and information fusion and visualization)

Our Approach

Next-Stage Acceleration

  • Accelerator program without the mandatory forfeiture of equity or financial commitment
  • Clarify industry needs and technology gaps
  • Clarify market opportunities and economics of solutions
  • Validate use-cases with target end-users
  • Pairing with established corporate partners to validate and scope potential market opportunities (both primary and adjacent ones) and provide a path-to-market
  • Facilitate access to growth capital
  • Achieve visibility and secure feedback from The Department of Homeland Security, an influential voice in the first responder market